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Today in Iasi

May 31, 2012

Today was another busy day of ministry here in Iasi. We had breakfast at 8:30 and group devotions at 9am. The ladies in the group travelled to one small village to visit some poor women there. The men stayed back and met with a group of 8 pastors from different churches in the area. Some of them came from 200 KM away (about a 2 and a half hour drive). They asked us many questions about ministry related issues. We realized that these pastors have different views and approaches to ministry. Common among them was the need to be biblically grounded in all that they do. Meeting with this group highlighted again the need to help train pastors in this area.


We had lunch with the pastors in the afternoon and went from there to teach. Normally, our teaching sessions begin at 4pm with singing, a devotional, more singing, announcements, and then dismissal for classes. We normally take a break of 45 minutes to each together. Class end at 9pm each evening.  Our class sizes range from 8-12 students in each group. We have three separate groups of students.


My class

My class today was very encouraging. I realized how much I have missed being in the classroom  daily. It is such a joy to teach and have the opportunity to explain the Word of God to people who are asking to know more. More so, it is encouraging to see how they are learning and accepting new and difficult concepts in Biblical Interpretation. While explaining the syntax of one of Paul’s passages, an older man in the group declared, “no wonder the apostle Peter found Paul to be difficult.” We had a good laugh at that.


Oldest student in my class. Each time he shakes my hand, he says, “I love you.”

Continue to pray that the lessons will be understood as they have been and that these students will commit as they have promised to use the skills to study the word with diligence.

Grace to you


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